Our partner Dynamix Aviation, LLC conducts all of our Offshore Helideck Inspections and audits. With over 40 years of combined experience,they are leaders in this industry. Work experience includes all of the minor and major oil and gas producers and service companies. They sit on safety committees and working groups of HSAC, OPITO and GWO.
Whether your helideck is on an offshore production platform, drilling rig or on a vessel, our inspectors are fully compliant with safety trainings for both oil and gas as wind energy (GWO) to perform all required services.
Helidecks are a critical part of any aviation-supported offshore operation.
Our helideck inspection and certification services enable you to reduce the risk of air transport personnel movements as much as possible. With the experience of inspecting and advising on helidecks on a wide range of vessels and production platforms around the world, you can rely on us to mitigate the risk of offshore air transport employee movements. With our unrivaled experience and expertise, we can give you the assurance you need that your helideck facilities and safety management procedures meet the highest standards for any industry or sector.